Thrilled to present you

Norka Bar

A unique home bar rental service


The challenge

Strategic development of a unique home bar rental service, from market analysis and reliable product definition to the creation of communication materials.

The Product

Norka Bar: Your home beverage service, delivering directly to your chosen bar. Featuring modular designs for wine, beer, and spirits.

Choose from small, medium, or premium bars, stocked with locally sourced, authentic bottles. Pay as you go via our app.


Why Norka Bar?

The name comes from an analogy between a luxury service and the mink animal, which in Russian translates as « norka » and is known for making luxury jackets from its fur.
The Norka animal also stays in its burrow most of the time, so I compared it with not wanting to leave home to go shopping and with the notion of home comforts.


The logo features the company’s mascot, the mink. The animal is dressed as a tsar, the idea coming to me from a Russian legend. The legend tells the story of a tsar and his castle, who is attacked by a beast, « norka. » He sends his 3 sons to hunt the animal. Only one of the sons succeeds in finding the mink in a magical world, and it turns out that the beast was the brother of a princess, with whom he will marry. The « norka » can thus be linked to tsarism, abundance, luxury, wealth and well-being.


The pictograms were designed in 3D to reflect the brand’s values: conviviality, well-being, sharing, exclusivity, pleasure and comfort. The shapes used for the brand are very basic: mainly circles and rectangles with rounded corners.


"The Feast of your glasses"

The brand concept lies in the quality of the drinks delivered and the exclusivity of the service.

La marque est accompagne d’une série des supports visuels stratégiques afin de faire connaitre le service a un plus grand public. À travers les affiches, Norka présente son service et invitant le lecteur à passer sur notre site web grâce à un QR code. 

L’entreprise dispose des cartes de visite sous la forme des sous-verres à distribuer lors des événements et salons.

Ce type de carte de visite présente une utilité pour les prospects, tout en les rappelant de notre marque.

Une application (maquette) et un site web ont été mise en disposition pour rendre accessible le choix des bouteilles  avec une navigation intuitive et fluide sur le site web et l’application.

J’ai modélise le bar sur Cinéma 4D en prenant en compte toutes les contraintes techniques de tailles et d’aspect: la hauteur de chaque bloque, les standards des bouteilles, verres et équipements.

Web Site

A great website is crucial for startups. It needs to look good, be easy to use, and load fast. By meeting these requirements, it ascends search engine rankings, amplifying the company’s visibility and fostering meaningful engagement with its audience.

Mobile App

As mentioned above, visitors will be able to download the app from the website. The main purpose of the app is to enable users to personalize their bar and finalize their purchase intention.

Once on the application, the user will be able to :

  • log in,
  • accept notifications,
  • review their offer,
  • choose the modules and equipment required,
  • view prices and fill each module with the desired bottles.

Once he’s customized his bar, he can make an appointment and proceed to payment. The application also includes order history and tracking.

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